The Powering Precision Health movement represents the intersection of new technological capabilities with the latest medical research, ushering in a new era of medicine: precision health.

“Precision health” aims to transform how we approach health - from scrambling to cure diseases after the fact, to prevention or detection of illness long before symptoms appear and the disease is most curable. “Precision” means personalized treatments rather than treatments based on population averages, targeted to maximize efficacy and minimize toxicity. Precision health also means recognition and elimination of environmental and lifestyle factors to minimize disease triggers in the first place. We now have the capability to measure and monitor biomarkers as personal indicators of good health and “early warnings” of adverse trends. Leveraging new technologies for personal health monitoring is a key facet of precision health.

Powering Precision Health movement held its inaugural annual summit in 2016, and brings together innovators, scientists, physicians, medical professionals, advocates, government officials and regulators to collectively address this enormous opportunity. By channeling the forces of disruptive innovation, we can have a profound positive impact on our society by eliminating premature pain and suffering brought on by unnecessary disease.

Precision health centers on monitoring an individual’s health at a molecular level – typically by tracking proteins in the blood indicative of health or sickness – to prevent illness, or at least enable earlier detection and diagnosis. The earlier we catch disease and/or get ahead of disease, the more likely we can cure it, and the more cost-effective it is for treatment.

Our vision is threefold:

Transform how we approach health, from scrambling to cure diseases after the fact, to prevention or detection of disease long before symptoms appear and the disease is most curable

Greater efficiency and precision in drug development toward personalizing treatment for maximum efficacy and minimum toxicity

Recognition and elimination of environmental and lifestyle factors to avoid disease triggers

When it comes to our healthcare system, our country can agree on one thing: we need change. Precision health must be considered in that change. It’s critical we move from our reactive “sick care” system to true proactive healthcare. Symptoms tell us when we’re sick (e.g., fever, body aches, vomiting, etc.), but how do we measure our health?

​The key to this vision is having the healthcare technology that cannot only measure and detect sickness, but measure and detect health. This is game-changing and is the foundation of our annual summit. So please help us move toward a precision health system by investing in the technology that will allow us to see disease before it’s too late.




Kevin Hrusovsky

Kevin Hrusovsky is an acclaimed healthcare visionary and biotech entrepreneur, who founded Powering Precision Health, the nation’s first forum for advancing the deep science that powers precision health. He also founded Revolutionaries for Global Health in 2008.

Hrusovsky is a recognized biotech and healthcare expert and analyst, offering the “big picture” view on achieving industry-wide transformation to true precision medicine. He has received many awards and accolades, including being dubbed as “the unsung leader in the life sciences industry” with his 2017 BBJ Innovation All-Star recognition by the Boston Business Journal. Hrusovsky has been a guest expert on NECN, Bloomberg Radio, CNN, NPR Science Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America, Bloomberg Businessweek, Wall Street Journal, International Business Times and The Washington Post. A coveted thought leader and dynamic speaker, Hrusovsky is regularly invited to keynote at leading conferences and executive summits around the world, including the BIO International Convention, J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, One Mind Summit, Konkussion Retreat, Next Generation Dx Summit, the annual conference of the Personalized Medicine Coalition, World Innovation Forum and the PULSE: Atlantic Summit on Health Care.

If we start the PPH movement now, by 2030, we can reduce healthcare costs by 40 percent, increase access by 60 percent for the average citizen, and increase productive life expectancy by eight years.”

- Kevin Hrusovsky

Hrusovsky has more than twenty years of experience in life sciences and diagnostics, with a strong track record for launching disruptive technologies, building fast-growing companies and developing successful commercialization strategies. He currently serves as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman at Quanterix, a company digitizing biomarker analysis to advance the science of precision health. In 2017, he took Quanterix public, in one of the most successful IPOs for a life science tools company in recent history. Hrusovsky also sits or has sat on the board of directors of several innovative technology companies including BioreclamationIVT, Caliper Life Sciences, Cell Signaling Technology, 908 Devices, Cellaria, SeraCare, Synap Dx, Xenogen and Solect Energy. He also serves (or served) on the Educational Board of the Massachusetts Biotech Council, the Advisory Committee for the Center for Biomedical Engineering at Brown University, the Association for Laboratory Automation, the JALA Editorial Board and the Strategy Committee of Children’s Hospital Boston.

Hrusovsky began a mission 15 years ago to transform medicine from reactive “sick care” to proactive, preventative and personalized healthcare. Today, he relies on peer reviewed science and innovation to bring quantifiable evidence to the forefront and has catalyzed a science-based precision health movement across the globe. In 2016, he founded and launched the Powering Precision Health Summit to address the continuum from health to disease at the molecular level in the human body. With his summit, Hrusovsky is leading the charge to establish a new paradigm for measuring life’s variables or biomarkers at a personal level by fostering collaboration among the world’s foremost doctors, researchers, scientists, innovators, patients and policymakers. He identifies and focuses on three pillars of precision health: disease prevention, early detection and precision treatments, with an overall vision to create a culture of health and wellness in our country.